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Payment policy

  1. The terms of payment are prepayment before the date of invoice (or such other terms as nominated by Home Made Food Co) and payment is due and payable by the date of invoice (“credit terms”). Home Made Food Co and any related body corporate (as that term is defined in the Corporations Act 2001) may, at any time, unilaterally vary the credit terms in its absolute and unfettered discretion. The current credit terms can be found at and placement on the website link is acknowledged by the Customer as constituting sufficient notice and receipt of updated credit terms.
  2. Should the Customer not pay for the goods or services supplied by Home Made Food Co in accordance with the credit terms, or as otherwise agreed in writing by Home Made Food Co from time to time, Home Made Food Co shall be entitled to charge an administration fee of 10% of the amount of the invoice payable per year, or part thereof, from the date the goods or services were supplied (and not the day when Home Made Food Co’ invoice was payable) until payment by the Customer.
  3. The granting of credit to a customer shall be at the absolute discretion of Home Made Food Co and unless otherwise advised by Home Made Food Co in writing, the Customer shall make payment of all amounts payable within specified terms as advised by Home Made Food Co to the Customer in writing, or the date of the invoice whichever is the earlier.
  4. Home Made Food Co may at its absolute discretion withhold delivery of goods which are outside the credit terms.
  5. Customers having overdue accounts will be precluded from participating in any special deals, discounts, rebates, bonus payments, redemptions and all other incentive programs until their accounts are no longer overdue.